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September 05, 2024 0

What are Generics in TypeScript


What are Generics in TypeScript?

Generics in TypeScript are a powerful feature that allows you to create reusable components and functions that work with a variety of data types. They provide a way to write flexible, type-safe code by enabling you to define placeholders for types that will be specified when the function, class, or interface is used. Generics help to create components that can work with different data types while maintaining type safety, making your code more robust, reusable, and easier to maintain.

Why Use Generics?

Generics provide several key benefits in TypeScript:

  • Type Safety: Generics allow you to catch type-related errors at compile time rather than at runtime, reducing the risk of bugs.
  • Reusability: By using generics, you can create functions, classes, and interfaces that work with a variety of types without duplicating code for each type.
  • Flexibility: Generics provide flexibility by allowing you to specify the exact type to be used when you call a function or instantiate a class, making the code adaptable to different scenarios.
  • Readability and Maintainability: Generics enhance code readability and maintainability by eliminating the need for repetitive code, making it easier to manage and understand.

How Do Generics Work in TypeScript?

Generics are implemented by defining a placeholder type, often represented by a single capital letter like T, U, or K, which stands for "Type." This placeholder is then replaced by a specific type when the function, class, or interface is used.

Basic Syntax of Generics

Generics can be used in functions, classes, interfaces, and type aliases. The basic syntax involves placing the generic type within angle brackets < >.

1. Generic Functions

A generic function is a function that can operate on any data type. The type is specified when the function is called.



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function identity<T>(arg: T): T {    return arg; } let result1 = identity<number>(5);   // T is number let result2 = identity<string>('Hello'); // T is string

In this example, the function identity takes a generic type T and returns a value of the same type. The function can be used with different types, as shown with number and string.

2. Generic Classes

Generics can be used in classes to create flexible and reusable components.



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class Box<T> {    content: T;    constructor(content: T) {        this.content = content;    }    getContent(): T {        return this.content;    } } let numberBox = new Box<number>(100); // Box of number let stringBox = new Box<string>('TypeScript'); // Box of string

In this example, the Box class uses a generic type T, allowing it to store any type of content while maintaining type safety.

3. Generic Interfaces

Interfaces can also be generic, allowing them to describe data structures that can work with a variety of types.



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interface Pair<T, U> {    first: T;    second: U; } let pair: Pair<number, string> = { first: 1, second: 'One' };

Here, the Pair interface uses two generic types T and U, making it versatile enough to handle pairs of different types.

4. Generic Constraints

Generics can be constrained to ensure they meet certain conditions. This is useful when you want to limit the types that can be passed to a generic function, class, or interface.



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function logLength<T extends { length: number }>(arg: T): void {    console.log(arg.length); } logLength('Hello'); // Works because string has a length property logLength([1, 2, 3]); // Works because array has a length property

In this example, the generic type T is constrained to types that have a length property, ensuring that the function can safely access length.

Practical Applications of Generics

Reusable Data Structures: Generics are often used in data structures like linked lists, stacks, and queues, which can operate on various data types without rewriting the structure for each type.

Type-Safe APIs: Generics allow you to create type-safe APIs that accept multiple types while still providing the benefits of type checking.

Utility Functions: Functions that work on arrays, maps, or other collections often use generics to maintain type safety across different data types.

Custom Hooks in React: When working with TypeScript and React, generics can be used to create custom hooks that are flexible and type-safe, enhancing reusability across different components.

Best Practices for Using Generics

Use Descriptive Type Names: While single-letter type variables are common (T, U, V), using descriptive names like ItemType or ElementType can improve readability.

Avoid Overuse: Generics are powerful, but overusing them can lead to overly complex code. Use them when they provide clear benefits in terms of reusability and type safety.

Combine with Constraints: Use constraints to limit the types that can be passed to generics, ensuring your code behaves as expected.

Keep it Simple: Start with simple use cases for generics and gradually introduce more complexity as needed. Avoid nesting generics unnecessarily, as this can make the code harder to read and maintain.

Common Pitfalls

Losing Type Information: Overuse of the any type in conjunction with generics can defeat the purpose of type safety. Be mindful to specify types as precisely as possible.

Incorrect Constraints: Applying incorrect constraints can lead to errors or unexpected behavior. Always test your generic constraints to ensure they work as intended.

Complexity: Overly complex generic types can make the code difficult to understand. Use generics judiciously to keep code maintainable.


Generics in TypeScript provide a powerful way to create flexible, type-safe code that can work with various data types. By understanding how to use generics in functions, classes, interfaces, and more, you can write more reusable and robust code. Whether you are building simple utility functions or complex data structures, generics allow you to leverage TypeScript’s type system to the fullest, enhancing both code quality and developer productivity.

For a detailed guide and more examples, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/what-are-generics-in-typescript/.