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January 21, 2023 |6.0K Views

Web 3.0 vs Metaverse: What's the difference?

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Web3 & Metaverse are generating hype these days & are getting popular in the business & finance industry. However, many people still don't know about Web3 & that the world is moving from Web2 towards Web3.

What is Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a 3D interactive experience space that allows users to interact with 3D objects using augmented, virtual, and mixed reality.

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 will be based on a decentralized blockchain system that will not allow for centralized ownership of information, services, or platforms.

In this video, we will be discussing what is Web3 and Metaverse in detail. Apart from this, we will also be discussing the difference between Web3 & Metaverse.