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April 02, 2022 |15.8K Views

Von Neumann Architecture | Computer Architecture

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Computers are mainly categorized into two types, one is fixed program computers, and the other is stored-program computers. Fixed program computers have very specific instructions and can perform limited operations, these computers couldn’t be re-programmed, the code needs to write from the scratch. For example, Calculator. Whereas, the stored program computers can be programmed to perform multiple operations and therefore it has many applications stored in them. For example, the modern computer. Modern computers are based on a stored-program concept introduced by John Von Neumann. 

Through this video, we have covered Von Neumann Architecture in detail. The concept was named as Von-Neumann Architecture and is also known as Princeton Architecture. In this architecture, data or instructions are stored in the main memory. And the machine uses some set of control signals to fetch data and instructions from the memory. 

This model comprises three main parts, which are: 

1) Processor 

2) Main Memory 

3) I/O devices 

The processor has Control Unit, ALU, and Registers. The control unit generates timing and control signals that help to direct the functioning of all the components of the computer’s processor. ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations such as addition, subtraction, bitwise operations, and comparisons. Registers are the type of small-sized temporary computer memory, that are used to store and transfer data, addresses, and instructions quickly. Registers are of various types, like Accumulator (to store results computed by ALU), Program counter(Stores the address of the next instruction), Memory address Register, Memory data Register, etc. Bus: The bus is a computer's internal high-speed communication system that is used to transfer data, memory addresses, control signals, etc. between its different components. Mainly, there are three kinds of buses: Data Bus, Address Bus, and Control Bus. 

Apart from this Von Neumann architecture has a limitation as well. The shared bus system between the processor and the main memory does not permit both data as well as instructions to be fetched simultaneously causing a limited throughput and thus this is a limitation.

Related Articles :  https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/computer-organization-von-neumann-architecture/