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May 27, 2022 |29.9K Views

Types of Networks in Computer Network

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In this video, we have covered the different types of Networks.

1) LAN: Local Area Networks are limited to a small area. LANs are privately owned networks that offer high speed. In a LAN network, all the devices are connected over a common medium so that users can share access to host computers, peripherals, databases, files, and applications. LAN network is used in communication channels that have limited geographical areas such as offices, schools, buildings, or campuses. Hardware & Software can be shared easily. It is low in cost and easy to control and manage. It uses a central hub to store user’s data. LAN are easy to configure as all the required protocols are already available in operating system. But it is limited to small geographical areas and more prone to malware and viruses, also it needs high maintenance LAN needs constant upgradation and its architecture is bit complex.

2) WAN: Wide area network is defined as a group of local area network that communicates with each other. It connects various places located in a larger geographical area such as city, state, country, or continents. There is no limitation on the area. It makes use of dedicated transoceanic cabling or satellite uplinks to connect and operate the network. WAN works at the bottom three layers of OSI interconnection model, i.e. Physical layer, data link layer, and network layer. WAN connects many LANs together and uses switching technology by local exchange and long-distance carriers. It has Error-prone links. Inter-exchange carriers are leased lined at a monthly cost that provides wide area network links. WAN increased the efficiency of the network and provide easy communication. It provided a larger network coverage area. In WAN messages are sent faster to everyone on the network. IT infrastructure is centralized in WAN and it has high privacy.

3) MAN: Metropolitan Area Network covers large geographic areas such as cities or districts by interconnecting smaller networks within larger geographic areas. The information is shared throughout the network. Government organizations use MAN to connect to citizens and private industries. In MAN, different LANs are connected through a local telephone exchange. 
MAN protocols are RS-232, X.25, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN, ADSL. It is more secure than WAN and is wider-ranging than LAN. It is quite cost-effective as it shares common resources. Needs less implementation cost because MAN requires fewer resources compared to WAN. The dual bus used in MAN help transmission of data in both direction simultaneously.

Types of Network: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/types-of-computer-networks/