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September 05, 2024 |40 Views

Tukey-Kramer Test for Post Hoc Analysis

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Tukey-Kramer Test for Post-Hoc Analysis

The Tukey-Kramer test is a statistical method used for post-hoc analysis in ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) when comparing multiple group means. It helps identify which specific group means are significantly different from each other after finding that there is a significant overall effect. This test is particularly useful in scenarios where you have three or more groups and need to perform pairwise comparisons while controlling for Type I error across multiple tests.

What is the Tukey-Kramer Test?

The Tukey-Kramer test is an extension of the Tukey HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test and is used when group sizes are unequal. It provides a method for comparing all possible pairs of group means in a dataset, adjusting for the multiple comparisons problem to maintain the overall error rate.

Key points about the Tukey-Kramer test:

  • Controls Type I Error: The test adjusts for the family-wise error rate, which is the probability of making one or more false discoveries (Type I errors) when performing multiple pairwise comparisons.
  • Handles Unequal Sample Sizes: Unlike the original Tukey HSD test, the Tukey-Kramer test can be applied to groups with unequal sample sizes, making it more versatile in practical applications.
  • Pairwise Comparisons: It evaluates all possible pairs of group means and determines whether the observed differences are statistically significant.

When to Use the Tukey-Kramer Test

The Tukey-Kramer test is used when:

  • You have performed an ANOVA and found a significant overall effect.
  • You want to conduct pairwise comparisons to identify which specific group means differ.
  • Your groups have unequal sample sizes.
  • You want to control the overall Type I error rate when making multiple comparisons.

Steps to Perform the Tukey-Kramer Test

Conduct ANOVA: Start by performing an ANOVA to determine if there are any significant differences among the group means. If ANOVA results indicate a significant effect, proceed with post-hoc analysis using the Tukey-Kramer test.

Calculate Pairwise Differences: For each pair of group means, calculate the difference between them.

Compute Standard Error: Calculate the standard error for each pairwise comparison, taking into account the sample sizes and variances of the groups being compared.

Calculate Tukey-Kramer Statistic: The test statistic is computed using the formula:

  1. q=(Xˉi−Xˉj)MSE2(1ni+1nj)q = \frac{(\bar{X}_i - \bar{X}_j)}{\sqrt{\frac{MSE}{2} \left( \frac{1}{n_i} + \frac{1}{n_j} \right)}}q=2MSE​(ni​1​+nj​1​)​(Xˉi​−Xˉj​)​


  • Xˉi\bar{X}_iXˉi​ and Xˉj\bar{X}_jXˉj​ are the means of the groups being compared.
  • MSEMSEMSE is the mean square error from the ANOVA.
  • nin_ini​ and njn_jnj​ are the sample sizes of the groups.

Compare with Critical Value: Compare the computed test statistic with the critical value from the Tukey distribution. If the test statistic exceeds the critical value, the difference between the group means is considered statistically significant.

Interpret Results: Report which group means are significantly different from each other, providing the confidence intervals and p-values for each comparison.

Example of Applying the Tukey-Kramer Test

Suppose you conducted an ANOVA on four groups with different sample sizes and found a significant overall effect. You decide to perform the Tukey-Kramer test to explore the differences between specific pairs of group means.

ANOVA Results: ANOVA shows a significant effect (p < 0.05), indicating that not all group means are equal.

Pairwise Comparisons: You calculate the pairwise differences between all possible pairs of group means.

Standard Error Calculation: Compute the standard error for each comparison, considering the unequal sample sizes.

Test Statistic Calculation: Use the Tukey-Kramer formula to calculate the test statistic for each pair.

Significance Testing: Compare the test statistics with the critical values to determine which pairs show significant differences.

Advantages of the Tukey-Kramer Test

  • Adjusts for Multiple Comparisons: Controls the family-wise error rate, reducing the likelihood of false positives when conducting multiple tests.
  • Applicable to Unequal Sample Sizes: Handles groups with unequal sample sizes, unlike some other post-hoc tests which assume equal group sizes.
  • Comprehensive Analysis: Provides a detailed analysis by comparing all possible pairs of group means, offering a complete picture of the differences.


  • Assumption of Normality: The test assumes that the data in each group is normally distributed and that variances are equal across groups.
  • Sensitive to Outliers: Like many statistical tests, the Tukey-Kramer test can be sensitive to outliers, which may affect the results.
  • Complex Calculations: For datasets with many groups, the number of pairwise comparisons can become large, making calculations more complex and time-consuming.

Best Practices for Using the Tukey-Kramer Test

  • Check Assumptions: Ensure that your data meets the assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variances before applying the Tukey-Kramer test.
  • Use After ANOVA: Always perform the test following a significant ANOVA result to justify multiple comparisons.
  • Interpret Results Carefully: Pay close attention to confidence intervals and p-values when interpreting the results, especially when dealing with small sample sizes or borderline significance levels.

Practical Applications

  • Medical Research: Comparing the effects of different treatments or interventions across multiple patient groups.
  • Education: Analyzing test scores from different teaching methods to determine which approach yields the best results.
  • Market Research: Evaluating consumer preferences across various product categories or marketing strategies.


The Tukey-Kramer test is a valuable tool for post-hoc analysis in ANOVA, especially when dealing with unequal sample sizes. By providing a robust method for multiple pairwise comparisons, it helps researchers identify specific differences between group means while controlling for the overall error rate. Understanding when and how to use the Tukey-Kramer test can enhance the reliability and depth of your statistical analyses, making it an essential technique in many fields of research.

For more detailed information and examples, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/tukey-kramer-test-for-post-hoc-analysis/.