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August 22, 2024 |90 Views

Tenzies Game using ReactJS


Tenzies Game Using ReactJS

Tenzies is a fun and engaging dice game where the objective is to roll dice until all of them display the same number. You can implement this game using ReactJS to enhance your skills in component-based development, state management, and conditional rendering.

Project Overview

In this project, you will:

  • Set up a React project for building the Tenzies game.
  • Implement the core game logic where players roll dice and try to match them.
  • Add interactivity for selecting and holding dice.
  • Track and display the number of rolls and allow resetting the game.

Key Concepts Covered

  1. State Management in React: Using useState to manage the state of dice, rolls, and game status.
  2. Conditional Rendering: Implementing dynamic UI changes based on the game’s state.
  3. Component Composition: Breaking down the UI into reusable components like Die and Game.
  4. Event Handling: Handling clicks for rolling dice and selecting dice to hold.

Steps to Build the Tenzies Game Using React

Setting Up the React Project:

  • Start by creating a new React project using Create React App:
  • Set up the project structure, including components for the game and individual dice.

Creating the Dice Component:

  • Build a Die component that represents a single die. This component should display a number and have a clickable feature to select or hold the die.
  • Style the die using CSS, including visual feedback when a die is held (e.g., changing the background color).

Building the Game Logic:

  • In the Game component, create an array of dice using useState. Each die should have properties like value (number between 1 and 6) and isHeld (boolean).
  • Implement a function to roll the dice, randomly generating values for each die that is not held.
  • Allow players to click on a die to hold it, preventing it from being rolled in the next turn.

Implementing the Win Condition:

  • Check if all dice have the same value and are held. If true, display a winning message and provide an option to reset the game.
  • Track the number of rolls and display it as part of the game stats.

Styling and User Experience:

  • Use CSS to style the dice grid, buttons, and overall layout for a clean and responsive design.
  • Add animations or visual effects when rolling dice or holding them for a better user experience.

Resetting the Game:

  • Implement a reset function to start a new game by re-initializing the dice and roll count.

Additional Features:

  • Add a timer or record the best score (fewest rolls) to increase replayability.
  • Allow customization options like changing the number of dice or difficulty level.

Example Features

  • Score Tracking: Keep track of the player’s best score (fewest rolls) across sessions using localStorage.
  • Custom Dice Faces: Allow players to select custom dice faces or themes (e.g., different colors or icons).
  • Multiplayer Mode: Implement a multiplayer mode where players compete to achieve the Tenzies win condition in the fewest rolls.

Applications and Use Cases

  • Educational Games: Tenzies is a simple game that can be used to teach kids basic counting and probability concepts.
  • Web-based Games: This project is ideal for creating a quick and fun web game that can be played directly in the browser.
  • Learning React: Tenzies is a beginner-friendly project that covers essential React concepts like state management, component design, and conditional rendering.

Challenges in Building the Tenzies Game

  • Managing Component State: Handling the state of multiple dice and ensuring that updates are efficient.
  • Game Logic: Implementing the win condition and ensuring the game logic is sound, especially when handling multiple rounds.
  • UI/UX Design: Creating an intuitive and engaging interface that’s fun to interact with, including responsive design for different screen sizes.


Building the Tenzies game using ReactJS is a rewarding project that introduces key concepts in React development, including state management, conditional rendering, and component-based design. The project is perfect for practicing your React skills while creating a fun and interactive game that can be played by anyone.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/tenzies-game-using-reactjs/.