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June 01, 2022 |1.5K Views

Persistent Segment Tree


Segment Tree is itself a great data structure that comes into play in many cases. In this post we will introduce the concept of Persistency in this data structure. Persistency, simply means to retain the changes. But obviously, retaining the changes cause extra memory consumption and hence affect the Time Complexity.

Our aim is to apply persistency in segment tree and also to ensure that it does not take more than O(log n) time and space for each change.Segment Tree is itself a great data structure that comes into play in many cases. In this post we will introduce the concept of Persistency in this data structure. Persistency, simply means to retain the changes. But obviously, retaining the changes cause extra memory consumption and hence affect the Time Complexity.

Persistent Segment Tree _ Set 1 (Introduction): https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/persistent-segment-tree-set-1-introduction/