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September 27, 2022 |6.1K Views

OPTICS Clustering Algorithm in Machine Learning

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In this video, we will get an intuition about what is Optics Clustering Algorithm is all about and how to implement it using sklearn package.

The ordering Points To Identify Cluster Structure clustering algorithm as interpretable from the name works on the identification of the structure of the clusters.

There are 2 important attributes which available in OPTICS clustering algorithm:
1) Core Distance
2) Reachability Distance

The OPTICS algorithm is an extension of the DBSCAN clustering algorithm but due to the presence of the additional features and attributes tends to work better than the latter.

Implementation of this algorithm is provided in the sklearn package which we can directly import and use on our dataset.

OPTICS Clustering Algorithm: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ml-optics-clustering-explanation/

OPTICS Clustering algorithm implementation: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ml-optics-clustering-implementing-using-sklearn/