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October 20, 2021 |2.8K Views

Message Switching In Computer Network


Switched communication networks are those in which data transferred from source to destination is routed between various intermediate nodes. In particular, Switching is the technique by which nodes control or switch data to transmit it between specific points on a network. There are 3 common switching techniques: 1. Circuit Switching, 2. Packet Switching 3. Message Switching. Talking about Message Switching - in this technique, the entire message is transmitted without any break from one node to another. It firstly stores and then forwards information that requires more time. Due to this, the access time is increased. No direct link is present between the sender and the receiver. You also need to know that Message switching was a technique developed as an alternative to circuit switching before packet switching was introduced. In this video, we're going to discuss Message Switching in a detailed manner. 

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