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October 10, 2022 |250 Views

JWT Authentication and Image Upload API Using Python and Flask

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In this video, we will use JWT Authentication & Image Upload API in Flask using Postman. Here, we will divide this video into 6 sections of JWT Authentication & Image Upload API in Flask using Postman. Below is the list of approaches that we will cover in this section:

1. Creating venv and Install Requirements
2. Setup app and database
3. Creating Models
4. Creating registration and login APIs
5. Create an Image and Upload it
6,. Creating and displaying details

Here, we first install and import all the necessary packages, after which we'll develop an app and use a SQLite database to store data. After that, a JWT secret key will be generated using the UUID module. After everything is set up, a different function, such as: 
Register user, where the user can register themselves, will be created.
User Login: The user can log in here by themselves.
The token authentication will be tested using the test function.

We will learn how to upload photographs for a user and store them in the database using the Upload profile method.

Finally, we will update the user's profile and display their information.