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July 10, 2022 |9.5K Views

How to Reverse a Number in Java

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In this video, we will learn the Java program on how to reverse a number.

Here, we reverse a number using two different methods:
1. Using While loop
2. Using recursion function

A loop is a part of a computer program that allows a certain set of instructions to be executed repeatedly. A loop is created by enclosing the set of instructions inside a block of code called a bracket and throwing in the keyword while.

Using While loop:
1) Take the number’s modulo by 10.
2) Multiply the reverse number by 10 and add a modulo value to the reverse number.
3) Divide the number by 10.
4) Repeat the above steps until the number becomes zero.

Using recursion function:
The recursion operator in Java allows you to repeat an instruction or statement a set number of times.
1) If the number becomes zero then terminate the recursion, this will be the base condition.
2) Take the modulo and add it with the ‘rev*10’ multiplying.
3) Divide the number by 10 and call the reverse function on this number after updating it to number/10.

Java Program to Reverse a Number: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/java-program-to-reverse-a-number/