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June 22, 2022 |2.3K Views

How to Install and Setup Flutter in IntelliJ IDEA

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In this video, we will be looking into the steps that are required to setup flutter in IntelliJ.

What is flutter?
Flutter is an open-source UI software development created by Google and was launched in May 2017. It is based on dart which is an object-oriented programing language and it is easy to learn. Flutter can be used within different IDEs for developing flutter applications such as Android studio, VS code, and IntelliJ IDEA.

IntelliJ IDEA is preferred by most software developers as it enables smooth development workflow experience from design, implementation, building, deploying, testing as well as debugging. This IDEA offers plenty of plugins for development across various platforms.In this video, we will be taking a look at setting up flutter in IntelliJ IDEA.

We will be following the below steps for the installation of the flutter in IntelliJ IDEA:

1) We will be downloading and setting up flutter SDK in our system and setting up environment variables for flutter SDK.
2) Then we will be downloading and installing IntelliJ IDEA in our system.
3) After installation we will be installing 2 plugins in our IDEA such as flutter and dart for building flutter projects.
4) At last we will be creating a new flutter project in our IntelliJ IDEA and run that project on our mobile device.

How to Install and Setup Flutter in IntelliJ IDEA : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-install-and-setup-flutter-in-intellij-idea/