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August 20, 2024 |150 Views

How to Create Shrink Header on Scroll using HTML, CSS and JavaScript ?


How to Create Shrink Header on Scroll Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Creating a shrinking header that reduces in size as the user scrolls down is a popular effect in modern web design. This technique provides a more dynamic and engaging user experience by allowing the header to take up less space while still remaining visible. The combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript enables you to create this effect smoothly.

Project Overview

In this project, you will build a header that:

  • Remains fully visible at the top of the page when the user loads the website.
  • Shrinks when the user starts scrolling down, creating more space for content while keeping the navigation accessible.
  • Expands back to its original size when the user scrolls back to the top of the page.

Key Concepts Covered

  • HTML Structure: The basic layout with a header section that contains the logo and navigation links.
  • CSS Styling: Styling the header with transitions that make the shrinking effect smooth and visually appealing.
  • JavaScript Scroll Event: Capturing the scroll event to trigger the shrinking effect when the user scrolls past a certain point.

Steps to Create the Shrinking Header

HTML Structure:

  • Create a simple HTML structure with a header that contains the website logo and navigation links.
  • Below the header, include some content to make the page scrollable, allowing the shrinking effect to be visible.

CSS Styling:

  • Style the header with a fixed position so that it remains at the top of the page while scrolling.
  • Define the initial height of the header and apply a transition for the height property to make the shrinking effect smooth.
  • Use padding or margin adjustments to ensure that the content inside the header (like the logo and links) adjusts gracefully when the header shrinks.

JavaScript Scroll Event:

  • Use JavaScript to listen for the scroll event. When the user scrolls down, check the scroll position and apply a CSS class that reduces the header’s height.
  • The CSS class will define the smaller height and any other styling changes, such as font size reduction for the navigation links.

Responsive Design:

  • Ensure that the header works well across different screen sizes, adjusting the shrinking effect as needed for mobile and tablet views.

Example Use Cases

  • Corporate Websites: Use a shrinking header to maintain brand visibility while maximizing content space.
  • Blogs: Implement a shrinking header to keep navigation links accessible while allowing readers to focus on the content.

Applications and Extensions

  • Sticky Header: Combine the shrinking header effect with a sticky header that stays visible even as the user scrolls back up.
  • Animated Logos: Add a smooth transition for the logo size or change its color when the header shrinks.
  • Dynamic Backgrounds: Change the background color of the header as it shrinks to create a more noticeable effect.


Creating a shrinking header using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript enhances the visual appeal of a website while providing a practical solution for maintaining navigation accessibility. This project allows you to explore responsive design principles and practice event handling in JavaScript.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-create-shrink-header-on-scroll-using-html-css-and-javascript/.