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August 18, 2022 |6.2K Views

How to Create CRUD API in Flask using Python

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In this video, we will learn how to create CRUD API in Flask using Python

We have covered the below things in this video

1. How to setup the Project
2. Understand and setup sqlalchemy
3. Creating API
4. Perform different CRUD operations
5. Understand Exceptional handling
6. Work with Status Code
7. Test APIs using Postman.

Here, we will first set up our project and connect with a database and then we will define our class model. After the setup we will define different functions for CRUD operations such as Creating posts, updating posts, deleting posts, and reading posts. 
Every time when we create a function we will perform a test using Postman with status code, An application programming interface (API) development tool called Postman aids in the creation, testing, and modification of APIs. 

It can create several HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, and PATCH), save environments, and translate the API into code for other languages (like JavaScript, and Python). Apart from this we will also understand exception handling.