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October 28, 2022 |2.3K Views

How to Create a Splash Screen in Flutter App

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Splash Screen is the first screen that we see when we run our application. It is also known as Launch Screen. We will implement three basic methods to add a splash screen in our app.

Steps :

1. Create a new Flutter app using Command Prompt.

2. Delete the code from main.dart file and copy the below code.

Explanation of above code :

  • We have a main() function which calls runApp() by taking any widget as an argument to create the layout.
  • Then we have the home as MyHomePage() which is a stateful class(Mutable class).
  • MyHomePage() returns a Container which has a child as FlutterLogo(which will be shown initially when app starts).
  • Now, we have one most important method which is initState().
  • initState() method called once when the stateful widget is inserted in the widget tree.
  • initState() first call super.initState() and then Timer of duration 4 seconds(Timer function has 2 arguments,first is Duration and second is action to be performed). After 4 seconds,Current screen will be replaced by new Screen i.e. SecondScreen() .
  • We can also use Asset Image/Network Image instead of FlutterLogo.

Related Article :  https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/splash-screen-in-flutter/