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September 08, 2021 |1.6K Views

How To Begin With Competitive Coding?

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Competitive Programming is strongly recommended to all programmers as it allows you to compete with various brilliant minds all across the world to showcase & enhance your programming skills. It not only helps you in enhancing your problem-solving and programming skills but also provides you with various remarkable rewards, scholarships, and other career opportunities. Also, numerous product-based companies including Google, Amazon, Uber, etc. prefer candidates with some good rankings or achievements at renowned coding challenges. However, despite knowing all the benefits of doing Competitive Programming, many individuals tend to avoid it as they don't know how to get started with it or what are the platforms for doing competitive programming, etc. But, now you do not need to worry as here in this video, we're going to discuss how you can begin with Competitive Programming in a detailed and strategic manner.

How to begin with Competitive Programming? : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-begin-with-competitive-programming/