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September 05, 2024 0

How to add Rate the App feature in Android

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How to Add "Rate the App" Feature in Android

Adding a "Rate the App" feature to your Android application is a great way to engage users and gather valuable feedback. Encouraging users to rate your app positively can enhance its visibility and reputation in the Google Play Store, potentially leading to more downloads and user engagement. In this guide, we’ll explore how to implement the "Rate the App" feature in Android using different methods, best practices, and tips for maximizing its effectiveness.

Importance of the "Rate the App" Feature

  • Improves App Ranking: Positive ratings and reviews can significantly boost your app’s ranking in the Google Play Store, making it more discoverable to new users.
  • Builds Credibility: High ratings and positive feedback enhance your app's credibility and can influence potential users to download it.
  • User Feedback: Reviews provide direct feedback from users, which can help you identify areas for improvement and prioritize updates.
  • Engages Users: A well-timed prompt to rate the app can increase user engagement and foster a sense of community and involvement.

Methods to Add "Rate the App" Feature in Android

There are several ways to implement the "Rate the App" feature in Android, ranging from simple intents to using official Google Play In-App Review APIs. Let’s explore the different methods:

Using Google Play In-App Review API

The In-App Review API, introduced by Google, allows users to rate and review your app without leaving it. This seamless experience increases the likelihood of receiving more ratings and makes the process more user-friendly.

Using an Intent to Open Google Play Store

This traditional method involves launching the Google Play Store page for your app using an intent, where users can manually rate the app. While less seamless than the In-App Review API, it’s straightforward to implement and still effective.

Custom Dialogs or Prompts

Implementing a custom dialog within the app to encourage users to rate your app can also be effective. This method typically uses an intent to redirect users to the Play Store after they click on the "Rate Now" button.

Implementing "Rate the App" Feature Using Google Play In-App Review API

The Google Play In-App Review API provides the most integrated and user-friendly experience for rating apps directly within the application. Here are the steps to implement this feature:

Set Up Your Project: Ensure your app is configured to use Google Play services by adding the necessary dependencies to your project. In your build.gradle file, include:

Initialize the Review Manager: Use the ReviewManager class to create an instance of the review manager. This class is responsible for starting the in-app review flow.

Request a Review Flow: Call the requestReviewFlow() method to start the review flow. This method checks if the conditions are right for displaying the review dialog.

Launch the Review Flow: If the review flow is ready, use the launchReviewFlow() method to display the review dialog. The user can then rate the app without leaving it.

Handle Edge Cases: Always handle potential exceptions or conditions where the review flow cannot be launched, such as when the device is offline or the user has already submitted a review recently.

Implementing "Rate the App" Feature Using an Intent

Using an intent to open the app’s page in the Google Play Store is a straightforward approach:

Create a Button or Prompt: Add a button or prompt within your app encouraging users to rate it. This could be placed in the app’s settings, a menu, or shown as a dialog after certain conditions are met (e.g., after the user has completed several tasks or levels).

Launch the Play Store Intent: Use an intent to open the app’s page in the Google Play Store. The intent should direct users to the ratings and reviews section, making it easy for them to leave feedback.

Example code snippet:

Fallback Mechanism: Include a fallback mechanism for devices that do not have the Play Store installed by using a web URL pointing to the Play Store webpage for your app.

Best Practices for Implementing the "Rate the App" Feature

Timing is Key: Prompt users to rate the app at appropriate times, such as after completing a task, reaching a milestone, or having a positive experience. Avoid interrupting the user’s workflow or prompting immediately after the first use.

Avoid Repeated Prompts: Be mindful of not showing the rating prompt too frequently, as this can lead to annoyance and potentially negative reviews. Implement logic to track when a user has been prompted and avoid repeated prompts within a short time frame.

Offer a Graceful Exit: Always provide an option for users to dismiss the prompt if they are not interested in rating the app at that moment. This respects the user’s choice and avoids forcing interactions.

Monitor Feedback: Regularly monitor the reviews and feedback received from users. Use this feedback constructively to make improvements and address any issues that users may encounter.

Enhancing User Experience with In-App Review

Use Subtle Prompts: Rather than immediately interrupting the user experience with a prompt, consider using more subtle cues, like a menu item or a "Rate Us" button in the settings section.

Integrate with User Journey: Align the rate prompt with the user's journey in your app. For instance, after a successful purchase, completed level, or positive action, a prompt for rating feels more natural and welcomed.

Test Different Scenarios: Test the implementation of the rating feature under various scenarios, such as different screen sizes, orientations, and user actions, to ensure that it functions smoothly and does not disrupt the app’s core experience.


Adding a "Rate the App" feature is a valuable addition to any Android app, providing a direct channel for users to give feedback and improve your app’s standing in the Google Play Store. By leveraging the Google Play In-App Review API or simpler intents, you can create a seamless and user-friendly rating experience. Following best practices for timing, frequency, and user engagement will maximize the effectiveness of your rating prompts, leading to more positive reviews and a better overall app experience.

For a detailed step-by-step guide and more examples, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-add-rate-the-app-feature-in-android/.