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May 16, 2024 |40 Views

Display longest name | DSA Problem


Explore how to find and print all strings of maximum length from an array of strings with our comprehensive tutorial. This guide is ideal for computer science students, programmers, and anyone interested in solving string manipulation problems efficiently.

In this tutorial, you'll learn:

  • Understanding the Problem: Gain a clear understanding of the task, which involves identifying and printing all the strings from an array that have the maximum length.
  • Approach and Strategy:
    • Iterative Approach: Learn how to iterate through the array to determine the maximum length of strings and then collect all strings that match this length.
    • Single Pass Solution: Explore an efficient single pass solution to find the maximum length and simultaneously collect the strings of that length.
  • Step-by-Step Code Implementation: Detailed code examples in popular programming languages like Python, Java, and C++. These examples will demonstrate how to implement the solution effectively.
  • Complexity Analysis: Discuss the time complexity of the solution, which is 𝑂(𝑛)O(n) where 𝑛n is the number of strings in the array. The space complexity is 𝑂(1)O(1) extra space, not including the space required for the output list of maximum length strings.
  • Handling Edge Cases: Tips on managing edge cases such as an empty array, an array with all strings of the same length, and ensuring the algorithm handles large arrays efficiently.
  • Practical Examples and Testing: Provide practical examples and test cases to demonstrate the function and verify its correctness across different scenarios.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be well-equipped to find and print all strings of maximum length from an array, enhancing your problem-solving skills and ability to manipulate and process strings efficiently.

For a comprehensive guide on printing all strings of maximum length from an array of strings, including detailed explanations, code examples, and practical tips, check out our full article at https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/print-all-strings-of-maximum-length-from-an-array-of-strings/.

This tutorial will not only improve your understanding of string manipulation but also prepare you to tackle similar challenges in your software development and algorithmic problem-solving endeavors.