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October 14, 2021 |3.3K Views

Cyber Attacks and Its Different Types

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If you're wondering what exactly is a cyber-attack then let us tell you - any illegal or unethical activity through the internet or using a computer as a tool can be considered as a cyber attack. There are various reasons behind these attacks such as stealing the user's sensitive personal data, business financial details, emails and personal messages, customer databases, login credentials, and many others. For instance, we can take the example of a cyber attack in India when more than 200 websites were hacked by a group from Bangladesh including the Border Security Force website (BSF). There are various types of cyberattacks such as Phishing, Malware, Viruses, Spyware, Dictionary attacks, and many others. In this video, we're going to discuss each of these cyber attacks in detail including aspects like how they enter our system, degree of penetration, etc. 

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