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October 28, 2022 |1.1K Views

Creating Image Dataset using Google Teachable Machine


Machine learning is a scientific field that offers computers the ability to learn without being programmed directly. When many learners, students, engineers, and data scientists use machine learning to create diverse projects and goods, the application of machine learning is trendy. 

However, the development of machine learning models involves high device parameters, also the model training process can often vary from hours to days. Hence, low-end systems can not accommodate the training of successful machine learning models, or crucial system problems are likely to arise.

However, several Machine Learning environments are easily available on the internet that does not need any system specification or framework specifications and use cloud technology to train the model in the best possible time. 

Some of these open-source machine learning environments are Google Colaboratory, Kaggle Kernal , these are an excellent platform for deep learning and machine learning applications in the cloud. Both of them are google products and require the knowledge of data science in order to develop and train models using them. 

However, Google introduced a new open-source platform for training machine learning models that developers to code i.e Google’s Teachable Machine.


Related Article :  https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/image-classification-using-googles-teachable-machine/