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August 20, 2024 |180 Views

Create ToDo App using ReactJS


Create a To-Do App using ReactJS

Creating a to-do app using ReactJS is a popular beginner project that helps you understand the fundamental concepts of React, such as components, state management, and event handling. In this project, you will build a simple yet functional to-do list application that allows users to add, edit, delete, and mark tasks as completed.

Project Overview

In this to-do app, users will be able to:

  • Add new tasks to the list.
  • Mark tasks as completed.
  • Edit existing tasks.
  • Delete tasks from the list.

Key Concepts Covered

  • React Components: Learn how to break down the app into reusable components like Task, TaskList, and TaskInput.
  • State Management: Use React’s useState hook to manage the tasks and their states (completed or not).
  • Event Handling: Capture and handle user input events like adding or deleting tasks.
  • Conditional Rendering: Display different UI elements based on the current state, such as showing a task as completed or not.

Steps to Build the To-Do App

Set Up the React Project:

  • Start by creating a new React project using create-react-app or any preferred method.

Design the App Layout:

  • Break down the layout into components:
    • TaskInput: A component to handle the input field where users add new tasks.
    • TaskList: A component to display all tasks.
    • Task: A component to represent each individual task with options to edit, delete, and mark as completed.

Manage the State of Tasks:

  • Use the useState hook to store the list of tasks. Each task can be represented as an object with properties like id, text, and isCompleted.

Handle Adding and Deleting Tasks:

  • Create functions to add new tasks to the list and remove tasks when the delete button is clicked. Update the state accordingly.

Mark Tasks as Completed:

  • Implement a checkbox or toggle button to mark tasks as completed. Use conditional rendering to strike through completed tasks or change their appearance.

Edit Existing Tasks:

  • Add functionality to allow users to edit tasks. When the edit button is clicked, the task’s text can become an editable input field.

Style the App with CSS:

  • Use CSS to style the to-do list, ensuring that it is clean, responsive, and visually appealing. Focus on making the completed tasks stand out visually by applying styles like text-decoration (e.g., strikethrough) or changing the background color.

Additional Features to Explore

  • Local Storage: Implement local storage to save tasks so that the list persists even after refreshing the page.
  • Task Filtering: Add filtering options to view only completed, pending, or all tasks.
  • Task Prioritization: Allow users to prioritize tasks by adding a priority level (e.g., high, medium, low).

Example Project Structure

  • App.js: The main component that contains the overall layout and handles state management.
  • TaskInput.js: A component that handles user input for adding new tasks.
  • TaskList.js: A component that renders the list of tasks.
  • Task.js: A component that displays individual tasks with options to mark as complete, edit, or delete.

Applications and Extensions

  • Productivity Apps: The core functionality of a to-do list can be expanded into a fully-featured productivity app, integrating reminders, deadlines, and notifications.
  • Project Management Tools: You can extend this to-do app into a lightweight project management tool by adding features like task categories, deadlines, and team collaboration.


Building a to-do app using ReactJS is a fantastic way to get hands-on experience with core React concepts like state management, event handling, and component-based design. It’s also highly customizable, allowing you to add more complex features as you grow more confident with React.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/create-todo-app-using-reactjs/.