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April 08, 2022 |12.0K Views

Create Sudoku Solver in Java

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Sudoku is a logical game that is played across the world. There are different types of sudoku. 9×9 is the sudoku that is being mostly played. In this game, the player has to place digits from 1 to 9 in each row, each column as well as a 3×3 sub-grid. 

In this video, we will be building/creating a simple sudoku solver java project. We have to simply add the sudoku which we have to solve in a 2-dimensional array and when we run our project we will get to see the solved version of our sudoku game. To get the solution for our sudoku we will be using a backtracking algorithm. 

We will be using java as a programming language for building this project. We will be using NetBeans as an IDE for building this project. This project will surely help beginners or intermediate-level java developers to brush up and enhance their skills. 

Read this article to know more: 

Sudoku | Backtracking-7: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sudoku-backtracking-7/