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April 01, 2022 |6.3K Views

Login and Signup Page in Android Using Flutter

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In this video, we are going to make a login and signup page in Android Using Flutter. We will start the coding from starch, which means we will start the code from the beginning. 

Login: You login into a system meaning you want your presence to be known by the system that holds your credential as a registered users Signup: Simply register your intent to be official in the system. During signup, users are required to create an account as a new user so that the system can later use your credentials to know it you.Flutter is Google’s Mobile SDK to build native iOS and Android apps from a single codebase. When building applications with Flutter everything towards Widgets – the blocks with which the flutter apps are built. The User Interface of the app is composed of many simple widgets, each of them handling one particular job. That is the reason why Flutter developers tend to think of their flutter app as a tree of widgets. 

We will cover 3 parts in the video 

1: Setting up a firebase 

2: Backend parts 

3: Frontend/UI 

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