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May 11, 2022 |270 Views

Commands in Linux when things go wrong

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Terminals and keyboards has no uniform behavioral pattern. There are some commands to wriggle out of some common traps. You must know which keys you need to press when things don’t quite work as expected.

1. Backspacing doesn’t work: Consider you misspelled command stty as ssty and when you press backspace to erase the command, an unexpected symbol(^?) are printed:

$ stty^?^?^?^?^?^?^?
Backspacing is not working here, that’s why ^? is printed whenever we pressed backspace. To get rid of this unexpected behavior, we can use any of the following keys:

[Ctrl-c] OR [Delete]

Commands in Linux when things go wrong:https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/commands-in-unix-when-things-go-wrong/