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October 01, 2021 |8.3K Views

Cloud Computing Architecture


Cloud Computing is one of the most popular modern-day technologies that is giving a new shape to every organization by providing on-demand virtualized services/resources. In simple words, Cloud Computing is the process of providing computing services like networks, storage, database, etc. to users from anywhere and any time only with the help of the internet. It has various prominent features like backup and data restoration, efficient accessibility, data security, cost-effective maintenance, and many more. Some of the renowned examples of Cloud Computing that we're using in the real world are - Google Docs, Zoom, WhatsApp, etc. If you want to deep dive into the world of cloud computing, you're first required to have a clear understanding of Cloud Computing Architecture. In general, cloud architecture is divided into 2 parts - Frontend and Backend. In this video, we'll discuss the architecture of Cloud Computing in a detailed manner. 

Related Article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/architecture-of-cloud-computing/