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July 26, 2022 |4.5K Views

C++ Program to Print Swastika Pattern


In this video, we will see a C++ Program to Print Swastika Pattern.

Conditions for Printing Swastika:
1. (j==1 && i<=n/2+1)
2. (i==1 && j>=n/2+1)
3. (j==n && i>=n/2+1)
4. (i==n/2+1)
5. (j==n/2+1)

The number of rows and columns should be the same and an odd number. This will generate a perfect swastika pattern.

Let's take an example:
Input : row = 7, column = 7
*      * * * *
*      *
*      *
* * * * * * *
        *       *
        *       *
* * * *       *

Here we use conditional operators for making a code optimum. Apart from that, we will see the time and space complexity of this program.

Time complexity: N^2
Space complexity: Constant (1)

Program to Print Swastika Pattern: 